A Free MLRO Report Template

We have heard time and again how long it takes you to write your annual, or sometimes bi-annual, Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) Reports. Some of you have said it takes a full 2 months for your team to gather the data, pull together the required sections, and draft the narrative.

As you know, we are building technology to make your lives as Compliance Officers easier, because we think you are the true superheroes. We've already built technology to automate your financial crime assurance, and today we are giving you a free MLRO Report template.

By entering your details below, we'll email you a zip file which contains:

  1. An MLRO Report template in a word doc, complete with the sections you need, guidance on what to include and actual starter text, tables and charts.
  2. An excel spreadsheet containing the data for the charts that appear in the MLRO Report template. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe, also included in the zip file, to link up the charts in the excel spreadsheets to your MLRO Report.
  3. A powerpoint and image file containing a diagram of a Financial Crime Framework. Again, update or edit these as you like, re-save the image, and insert it into the Report template.

We hope this saves you and your team weeks, if not months, of time. Enjoy!

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